
This was the iteration and presentation I submitted that sparked the winning concept for GasBuddy’s rebranding.

My objective was not to focus primarily on the gas element as a resource, but on the use of gas and how it fuels experiences. I introduced the “journey” aspect of the brand message. The swish signifies the roads and the journey. People often develop more brand loyalty if there is an emotional connection that relates to their values.


  • Branding

  • Art Direction (Collaboration with Boston Desing Agency)

Programs Used

  • Illustrator

  • Photoshop


The original logo is very descriptive of the company’s service but the overall form is dated and too complex for many uses of a logo in branding for the modern world packed with modern technology. The agency was exploring exciting new concepts to represent GasBuddy as a new and unique service in the industry. They introduced an “ok” finger icon, gas icons with the dollar sign, gas with in a phone icon and a few more that are not related to gas/petrol alone.

Result and verdict

The logo and branding had to be finished by the agency and they came up with this version as the final submission. They kept the road and the journey concept. I love the font choice but I think that the brand mark needs a bit more tweaking.




Women's Place