
Stashimi’s mobile app aims to simplify music fans’ lives. In an overcrowded social and digital ecosystem, Stashimi aggregates music, socials, videos, events and breaking news from 50K+ artists including Drake, Jamie XX, The Weeknd, Rihanna and Flying Lotus.


  • Branding

  • Art Direction

Programs Used

  • Illustrator

  • Photoshop


Based on the provided brief. The platform will be curating music news and updates into one platform in the form of feeds. I used all the elements to create the brand mark for the logo. I typically sketch out icons and logos on paper for concepts that have multiple elements included then create a digital version to describe my process and thinking behind the design.


I make sure all the logos I make still have the same appeal and definition they have when they’re in full color and when they’re in a solid one color. If they look complicated and different in solid color, I’d still consider another round of revision.


GasBuddy Concept